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Strengthening Our Schools

Strong schools make strong communities, and every child deserves a quality public education. To succeed, traditional public schools need adequate funding, great teachers, quality instruction and extra-curricular opportunities. Instruction can’t simply include standardized testing, it also needs education in the arts, foreign languages, music and science. It is time we invest meaningfully in our traditional public schools, for the sake of our children and the future of our community. 

AS State Representative, Will Guzzardi...

  • Supported a new education funding formula to divert hundreds of millions of dollars to low-income districts with greatest need

  • Opposes the use of public dollars to subsidize private education, through vouchers or scholarship tax credits

  • Has led the fight to reduce the over-reliance on standardized testing

  • Is fighting to curtail the expansion of charter schools, which divert students and resources from the neighborhood schools that need them

In the News:

"A new law that is an important step towards testing transparency" 6/10/17
"Illinois House passes school funding bill on second try" 8/28/17